Wedding Guests Chase Mitt Romney's Motorcade

Charles Dharapak/AP Photo

LAKEWOOD, N.J. - A funny thing happened on the way to a Mitt Romney fundraiser.

Romney, who will spend the evening fundraising in the Garden State, was greeted at the first finance reception by members of a Jewish wedding party who were so excited to see him, some attempted to scale a fence to catch a glimpse of the presumptive GOP candidate.

Several guests of the wedding, dressed for the occasion, darted across the parking lot at the first sight of Romney's motorcade.


Waved off by Secret Service agents, one of the onlookers responded, "We just want to see Romney," while other snapped whatever photos they could get.

As Romney's motorcade snaked around the venue to a back entrance, the bride, herself, was spotted posing for wedding photos.

Romney, who is expected to raise $1.5 million at a series of fundraisers tonight, met with the bride and groom privately, an aide confirmed, and posed for a photo with the couple. The couple, the aide said, supports Romney.

As Romney spoke to a group of donors here, signs were pasted on the table reminding those listening to Romney that they'd have to leave immediately after the fundraiser.

"There is a wedding taking place here at 6:00 p.m. We ask all guests to PLEASE leave the building immediately after the program. Thank you," the sign read.

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