If We Had $2 Billion…

President Obama and Mitt Romney (and their super PACs) have officially spent $2 billion on their campaigns. Wow! Here's what else that money could buy:

A year's worth of health insurance coverage for about 127,000 families

More than 7,000 homes in America

36,300 car elevators

More than 3/4 of a rover that can be sent to Mars, delivery included

Two billion McDoubles

Four years college tuition for about 57,800 s tudents

The Boston Globe - 10 times

The Burj Khalifa , the tallest building in the world in Dubai (with enough left over to buy 500 million McDonald's double cheeseburgers)

A used 2004 Toyota Camry for 300,000 people

John Edwards's haircut for 1.6 million people

A five-minute peek at Mitt Romney's tax returns (psyche! That's priceless.)

A five-minute peek at Barack Obama's real birth certificate (psyche! That's free .)