QWIKI: 2012 Republican Veepstakes

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It will be Mitt Romney's first big decision as the Republican nominee:  choosing a vice presidential running mate. Here is my list of the top three candidates for the job:

Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio,  has experience as a congressman, senator and cabinet member. Not to mention he is a popular politician from a crucial swing state.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is a skilled politician with rock-star status among conservatives.  He is also Cuban-American and could lend Hispanic support to the Republican cause this fall.

Former Gov. Jeb Bush is my wild-card pick among top veepstakes candidates. He left office in 2007 but is still popular in the Republican party in his home state of Florida, and among Hispanics.

Other names on the shortlist include Sen. Kelly Ayotte of North Carolina, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana.