Ann Romney Stands Up to Protesters for Husband Mitt

NEWARK, Ohio - A group of protesters learned a quick lesson today: Don't interrupt Ann Romney.

While the wife of candidate Mitt Romney introduced her husband and her sons, all on hand to help their dad celebrate Father's Day on the trail, a group of about 25 protesters could be heard chanting "We are the 99 percent."

But Ann Romney wasn't having it, and certainly wasn't going to let the group steal her husband's spotlight.

"It's really wonderful today, it looks like we're having an emergency in the background," she paused, as sirens rang nearby. "But it's wonderful for me today to have two of my five sons standing with me, one daughter-in-law and a few grandchildren."

As she spoke, the protesters grew louder, and had managed to get fairly close to event. Many held signs that read, "Romney Kills Jobs," while Romney supporters quickly joined the group to counter with their own "Romney for President" placards.

"And so in honor of Father's Day I'm going to have them talk a little bit about their father," Ann Romney said.

"So we're going to start," she said, the protestors still chanting. "You know, we've got some distracters out there, but you know what? We love this country and we love families."

Drowned out by applause from the crowd, Romney paused before continuing, "We can be just as loud about how much we love this country."

"We're going to let my sons introduce their father," she said, not at all flustered by the interruption. "Let's start with Craig, my baby."

Craig Romney and his older brother Matt told stories about their dad before handing the mic over to him.

Mitt Romney himself did not acknowledge the protesters, as he has done in the past, one time referring to them as the "Greek chorus."

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