
Bulldog Lovingly Mothers Brand New Kittens

This Bulldog, Hammie, took an unbelievably adorable liking to his newfound four-legged-feline family. Hammie’s owner, Michelle Parden, of Lincoln, Neb., temporarily adopted the kittens’ mother, an almost full-term stray named Mommy, as an urgent favor to her friend, the director of Voice for Companion Animals, a nonprofit that helps low-income families provide for their pets. “She was in rough shape so we took her in, and a week later she had the kittens on Halloween,” Parden told “So we named them all Halloween-themed names.” From the moment the kittens, festively named Pumpkin, Goblin, Frankenstein, Batman, Zombie and Elvia, were born, Hammie was head-over-heels. “It was just the cutest thing,” said Parden. “I couldn’t believe he loved them so much. He was so motherly and gentle with them.” The kittens and Mommy have now all been adopted into new homes, but not to worry, Parden and Hammie remain in close contact with each of them and are working on arranging future playdates.